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Available on mobile Tele VID - Watch Tele VID Live TV from Colombia

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Watch Tele VID Live TV from Colombia

Info about Tele VID TV channel : Tele VID is a Mobile TV Channel from Colombia. Language: Spanish 

Tele VID is a TV channel from Columbia.

It is a private TV channel, non-profit, the Mariana Congregation of Medellin - Colombia.

Tele VID mission is instilling in people and families the principles of the Christian faith, as defined by the Catholic Church, defender to life and promote solidarity, reconciliation and peace, through evangelizing, formative, entertaining programming and orientation family.


Tags: LIVE TV, TVopedia, Streaming, Streams, TV, Live streams, Free satellite TV, Online TV, Watch TV, Colombia TV, Mobile TV, Religious TV, TV Mobile, TV for Mobile, Spanish

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